Books: by Title: The Secret Plot To Kill McKinley: Conspiracy, Curses and Ghosts in Western New York In a dramatic recasting of the assassination of President William McKinley, historian John Koerner presents the first ever case for a conspiracy to execute our nation's 25th chief executive. This groundbreaking book uncovers an extensive, meticulous plot that reaches far beyond assassin Leon Gzolgosz. In part one of The Secret Plot to Kill McKinley, Koerner reveals how Czolgosz was trained and funded by a ring of conspirators who possessed a maniacal dedication to accomplish their goal of murder. Nothing was left to chance when the young anarchist shot McKinley at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo on September 6, 1901. In part two, the supernatural footprint that the assassination has left on Western New York is explored. Many who have lived in the Niagara Frontier have noticed a pattern of association with the sites connected to the assassination that is nothing short of bizarre. Persistent curses, strange deaths, and ghostly stories permeate these locations. The author of The Mysteries of Father Baker and The Father Baker Code has crafted another book grounded in archival research that takes readers on a captivating ride into the world of secrets and the unexplained. ISBN: 978-1-879201-69-9 |