The definitive work on the life and miracles of Father Nelson Baker, first published in 2005, is now available in an updated edition.
Included is a postscript that explains the latest information on the process for canonization, and why there may a secret reason holding up his potential designation as the first American born male saint. The postscript closes with three intensely personal tales of how Baker touched the lives of three families in their time of need. "Any attempt to understand Father Baker is lacking unless it addresses the topic of his miraculous power, which he himself did not deny," Koerner says. "This is not an attempt to make him into a 'wizard.' Magic is for wizards and witches who have followed a path away from God. Baker's supernatural power instead is a reflection of his unflinching need to help people, and serve God with the talents afforded to him. This book is the product of a trained historian and college professor, not a book approved and sanctioned by church leaders. It is my attempt to objectively analyze the life and miracles of Baker in a respectful way and let the reader be the judge of what happened. We can simply never know enough about one of the greatest men ever to live in Western New York." ISBN: 978-1-879201-72-9