Books: by Title: Buffalo Voices & Visons
A Literacy Journey & Paean to a Great Lakes City

Buffalo Voices & Visions is a book-length pastiche of poems, narratives, historical notes, quotes, critical observations, and "factoids" -- ultimately, in praise of the City of Buffalo and its environs. This book engages both historical and contemporary voices, beats and lights, visions, insinuations, innuendoes and peccadilloes -- involving certain moments and presences unique to times and spaces in Buffalo.

The eclectic text by G. E. Murray is supported by photos from the Buffalo & Erie County Historical Society.

From the Blizzard of '85 section:

Bring down the good boys and plows from Canada,
We need help! Can't mush through to Black Rock,
or City Hall, Niagara Falls or The Southtowns.

Too late to escape the lyrical measures
of being snowbound. Simple how it first comes down.
Flakes fluttering in a Victorian way --
charming as Dicken's London at Christmas.

The snow heavies up. The night
swirls into busy, fuzzy, white air.
Grandfather J. Aloysius would say,
"Not so bad to be stuck in a blizzard --
It's an equalizer for the crazy and other non-shovelers."

The snow, like neon love, hard to keep to yourself.
Stay low. As necessary, learn to drink,
a good start for reflecting on the state
of your moral compass. Also think catastrophe,
a zany blend of nature's worst at once --
life speeding toward silence, but first like a scream.

ISBN: 978-1-879201-60-6