Books: by Title: Porter
Like other towns, Porter has often confronted the challenge of preserving its identity. Yet, gradual changes over the centuries have not altered, for the most part, the quality of life in its villages of Youngstown and Ramsomville and across the rest of its 19,870 acres. This northwest Niagara County community still cherishes its heritage, lush farmlands, classic mix of suburban and rural settings, and unique role in Niagara frontier history. Suzanne Simon Dietz selected photographs from the collections of the Porter Museum, Old Fort Niagara Association, Ransomville Museum, Niagara Falls Public Library, and numerous private collections. Dietz is editor and writer of Porter's Post for the Porter Historical Society, and lives in Porter on a farm that has been in her husband's family since the mid-1800's. ISBN: 0-7385-3878-7 |