Books: by Title: Lockport Boy
a memoir of a magical time and place
by Frank
Bredell, who was born and grew up in
Lockport, New York, is a book you'll read and cherish. It's about
growing up in the 1930's and 40's in a place where it was safe
for a boy to roam the city and where the exploits of the Waterman
Street Gang were exceeded only by the imaginations of its
10-year-old members. Here's what early reviewers have said about
Lockport Boy:
"If you enjoy reading, relaxing and
remembering, you're going to love this memoir ... it's a
wonderful trip down memory lane. Hardly a page will turn when
mention of some personality, place or event won't hit a
response ... It will trigger chuckles and smiles, nodding
heads of agreement and sighs of appreciation of an American
life and culture that may be headed for extinction. I believe
this is the only book of its type about Lockport."
The story will be appreciated by anyone who
grew up in a small town in the 30's and 40's. It is a good
natured portrayal of an era."
Even if you didn't grow up in Lockport, you'll
enjoy the true stories of weird and wonderful teachers, the cat
that almost ruined Christmas, "smoking" twigs and how a
30-mile trip to Buffalo was an almost unbelievable adventure.
ISBN: 0-9674846-0-X